With fast and efficient technique, Dayle Reinecke revolutionizes the auto repair market
Dayle Reinecke, 35, from Toronto, Canada, is revolutionizing the auto repair market by making bodywork and painting cars faster, more efficient and more economical.
With three skill sets he created: prep, bodywork and painting all in one, his work saves time and money for the consumer.
"I work with prep, bodywork, painting, welding, polishing and more in a way that saves time and quality. I consider these skills that I have created for this industry," says Reinecke.
Generally speaking, when a repair is done the 'traditional' way, the car is taken to the shop, which can take at least a day to fix, but sometimes up to a week and is extremely expensive.
This process takes a long time, Reinecke says, because they have a team that preps the vehicle, a team that does the bodywork, and then another team of painters. “They also take off the entire panel or panels that are affected and spray at high speed, which uses a lot of materials,” he explains.
Reinecke uses a technique called “blending,” which allows him to work only on the affected areas. This way, he works at a much slower speed when spraying and adjusting the nozzle, so he can cut down on the workload and work only on the damaged areas instead of painting the entire panel.
He explain in details what makes him unique on this job. "I would emphasize in terms of my contribution to the industry and what I do differently to other painters is working at a much lower PSI and I adjust the spout to narrow, when working on smaller jobs. Which increases efficiency and costs. This is something I do differently and makes me unique".
These techniques saves the customer time and money because he can do at least five cars a day instead of a body shop doing one. "Plus, my price is a fraction of the cost. So it leads to a great, beneficial working relationship with my customers,” he says.
In a year when interest rates more than doubled, body shop rates and repair costs in the United States increased more than 10 percent, and the technician shortage continued to plague everyone in the industry, according to industry website BodyShopBusiness.
"So, basically, I'm doing the work of three people at the same time, while also integrating these skills. These are my contributions to this area," says Reinecke, who owns several dealerships and maintains a schedule in which he goes to a different one every day of the week.
The art of bodywork and painting cars is learned through specific courses and requires a certain skill from the professional. "That’s what differentiates me because it is a really difficult technique. Whats I do is specific and is usually learned through an internship. I studied marketing and environmental sciences.
However, this was not the right path for me and I dedicated myself to learning more about this area of bodywork and painting cars in a way that would differentiate me in the market," he concludes.